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借助 零点击自动登录 功能,让玩家尽可能顺畅地登录游戏。. 通过 Play 游戏好友 功能,访问玩家的 Google Play 游戏好友列表,让玩家在您的游戏中能够与好友互动。. 将游戏进度保存到云端,方便玩家随时通过任意设备继续玩游戏 。. 添加封面图片和说明,向玩家显示目前的游戏进度,吸引他们 最佳做法. 使用与您所构建的功能相适合的 API 。. 您可以参照 API 指南 来确定最佳选择。.

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采用明确操作来调用“附近”功能 ,例如点按按钮、切换开关或进入特定屏幕。. 为用户提供可视化指示(例如动画 With Google Podcasts, you can find and listen to the world's podcasts for free. Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share. 19/10/2020 · A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service.

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One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint: 6/7/2020 · Preparing Apps for Google Play Android 10 Requirements. James. July 6th, 2020.

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采用明确操作来调用“附近”功能 ,例如点按按钮、切换开关或进入特定屏幕。. 为用户提供可视化指示(例如动画 With Google Podcasts, you can find and listen to the world's podcasts for free. Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share. 19/10/2020 · A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service.

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Read our free stuff guides for how to get free samples without surveys mailed directly to your home, how to get free food, how to get free clothes and how to score free perfume samples. Google Play track to which the app files should be published: releaseName: string '1.2.3' (none) Name used to identify this release in the Google Play Console. If not set, Google Play will use the app version name: rolloutPercentage: string '1.5' (none) The rollout percentage to set on the track; use 0% to create a draft release: rolloutPercent "Hey Google" now works with your Android apps. Read the full article. Android 11 (Go edition): New features coming to more devices. Read the full article. Thanks for visiting.


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您可以快速轻松地设置 Google Play 结算功能,然后 Google Play 便会处理结帐详情,因此您的应用完全无需处理财务交易。. 您将可以借助可自定义的订阅选项和管理功能来吸引和留住更多客户。. 此外,由于应用内的结帐流程与 Google Play 上的购物结帐流程相同,因此用户能够获得熟悉 启用 Actions on Google; 启用附近互动功能; 整合地图和地点信息; 通过 Google Play 游戏服务吸引玩家; 连接到 Google 健身平台; 浏览并回复用户评价; 借助 Google Analytics for Firebase 细分用户; 针对大屏设备进行优化; 针对 Chromebook 进行优化; 扩展到 Wear OS by Google 谷歌 可以在 Google Play 的“儿童”标签页上显示及作为精选内容展示. 显示“已获教师认可”徽章. 在应用的 Google Play 详情页面上添加一个专区,用于显示该应用品质突出的方面. Google Play 上的“儿童”标签页.

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